Knight in Black Armor - 4" tall - Papo Action Figures Medieval #39275
Crusader with Red Helmet - 3.5" tall - Papo Action Figures Knight #39757
Yeti - 4.5" tall - Papo Action Figures Fantasy #36024 Abominable Snowman NIB
Golden Unicorn - 4.5" H x 3.5" L- Papo Action Figures Enchanted World #39018 NIB
Wolf Mutant Warrior - 3.5" tall - Papo Action Figures Fantasy #36029 New NIB
Panther Mutant Warrior - 3.5" tall - Papo Action Figures Archer #36039 New NIB
Red Bowman - 4" tall - Papo Action Figures Knight #39384 Archer Medieval NIB
Werewolf - 3.5" tall - Papo Action Figures Fantasy World #38956 New NIB
Tiger Mutant Warrior - 3.5" tall - Papo Action Figures Knight #38954 New NIB
Robin Hood - 4" tall - Papo Action Figures Warrior Standing #39954 New NIB
Blue Bowman - 4" tall - Papo Action Figures Knight #39385 Archer Medieval NIB
Evil Queen - 3.5" tall - Papo Action Figures #39085 New NIB
Merlin the Magician - 4" tall - Papo Action Figures #39005 New NIB
Cerberus - 6" in length - Papo Action Figures #38912
Faceless Horseman - 3.25" tall - Papo Action Figures Knight #38901
Knight with Triple Battle Axe - 5" tall - Papo Action Figures #38959
Dwarf Warrior - 3.5" tall - Papo Action Figures #38997 New NIB
Dragon Man Horse - 5.5" tall - Papo Action Figures #38990
Crocodile Mutant Warrior - 3.5" tall - Papo Action Figures Knight #38955 New NIB
Hippogriff - 4.5" L x 3.75" H - Papo Action Figures #36022 New NIB
Wizard - 4" tall - Papo Action Figures #36021 Mage Magic New NIB
Phoenix - 5" wingspan - Papo Action Figures #36013 New NIB
Gorilla Mutant Warrior - 3.75" tall - Papo Action Figures Knight #38974
Lion Mutant Warrior - 4.25" tall - Papo Action Figures Knight #38945